SNTP Client
SNTP (Simple Network Time Protocol) is a protocol to synchronize the clocks of computers over a TCP/IP network. The SNTP client available for RTIP-32 can request the current date and time-of-day from an SNTP server, which the application in turn can use to set the clock of the local computer. For most networks, the achieved accuracy should be less than 1 second. Through RTTarget-32's Win32 Date and Time Management, time zones and daylight saving (summer) time is fully supported.
The SNTP Client is an optional add-on for RTIP-32 and must be purchased in addition to RTIP-32 to be available. Applications requiring the SNTP Client must include header file Sntpapi.h and link library Sntp.lib. The SNTP Client API is documented in the RTIP-32 Reference Manual.
SMTP Client
SMB Server