About On Time
On Time provides software development tools and operating systems for
real-time embedded systems on Intel x86 compatible CPUs. Founded in 1989,
On Time has offices in Massachusetts and Hamburg, Germany. On Time offers a
complete range of real-time operating systems and development tools for
32-bit protected-mode and 16-bit real-mode environments. More than 6000
development licenses have been sold world-wide.
On Time's Goals:
- deliver professional system software at very competitive prices,
- no run-time royalties,
- low resource requirements,
- high speed and unmatched real-time performance,
- ease of use,
- make source code available for all products,
- provide qualified and free technical support from the On Time development team.
For technical support, please refer to the
On Time RTOS-32 Support and
RTKernel for DOS Support pages.
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