RTKernel - Real-Time Multitasking Kernel for DOS
RTKernel is a powerful real-time multitasking scheduler for MS-DOS. It was
designed for software developers who wish to implement professional process
control applications on DOS computers or embedded systems. Special care has
been taken to ensure easy usage and excellent run-time performance.
RTKernel is compact (about 16k code, 6k data) and provides the programmer
with the basic tools needed to develop efficient real-time software.
RTKernel is a library or unit which can be linked into application
programs. It offers a number of functions and procedures to manage tasks,
semaphores, mailboxes, interrupts, etc. All RTKernel-tasks run within a
single program. An RTKernel-application consists of a single EXE-file
containing the kernel, the required drivers, and all tasks. The EXE-file
can be executed on any computer running DOS. Although an RTKernel
application has real-time multitasking capabilities, it is a DOS
- Unlimited number of tasks
- Only about 500 bytes needed per task
- Task-switch time of about 6 microseconds (33 Mhz 486)
- Task-switch time independent of the number of tasks
- 64 priorities
- Cooperative and preemptive scheduling
- Event/interrupt-driven scheduling
- Task activations can be triggered by any hardware interrupt
- Time-Slicing can be enabled or disabled
- Changeable timer interrupt rate (0.1 to 55 ms)
- Measurement of time intervals with 1 microsecond resolution
- Support of math coprocessor/emulator
- Binary, counting, and resource semaphores
- Mailboxes (message queues, pipes)
- Message passing (synchronous data transfer)
- Interrupt-driven driver for up to 36 serial ports
- Support of the 16550 UART chip family's FIFO buffer
- Drivers for timer, screen, keyboard, printer, and IPX (Novell LANs)
- Keyboard, hard disk, and floppy disk idle times usable by other tasks
- No DOS reentrance problems
- RTKernel applications can be made memory-resident (TSRs)
- RTKernel applications can execute other DOS-programs using EXEC
- Special Debug Version to simplify software development
- Supports CodeView and Turbo Debugger
- Runs on any DOS computer
- ROMable
- Full source code available
- No run-time royalties
- English or German User's Manual
- Free technical support available via email and phone.
RTKernel Tasks
An RTKernel-task is a C/C++ function or a Pascal procedure without
parameters. Task procedures / functions are programmed the same way as any
other procedure or function. At program initialization, only one task is
running - the main program, which constitutes the Main Task. Although the
program contains a real-time system, it behaves like a "normal",
sequential program at this time. The Main Task can start additional tasks
using kernel API calls. These tasks are subsequently executed in parallel
with the Main Task and any other tasks.
Each task has a priority between 1 and 64 and its own stack. Higher
numbers indicate greater priority. All variables declared local to the task
procedure/function are allocated on the task's stack. The same is true for
the local variables of all procedures called by the task. Several tasks can
be started executing the same code; however, each is allocated its own
stack and thus its own local variables.
Since RTKernel-Tasks run within one program, Shared Code and Shared Data
are implemented automatically. All tasks can access global data without
restrictions. Code being used by more than one task is in memory only

RTKernel Program Structure
Inter-Task Communication
RTKernel offers three different mechanisms: semaphores, mailboxes, and
Semaphores allow the exchange of signals for activation and suspension
of tasks. RTKernel supports counting, binary, and resource semaphores.
Resource semaphores guarantees the priority of a task occupying a resource
to be at least the maximum of the priorities of all other tasks also
requiring the respective resource (priority inheritance). It ensures that a
high-priority task is never unnecessarily blocked by a task of lower
With mailboxes, data can be exchanged between tasks. The number of data
records a mailbox can hold is configurable. Mailboxes are especially suited
for data buffering between tasks or between interrupt handlers and tasks.
In other systems, mailboxes are frequently referred to as message queues or
Message-passing serves to exchange data directly between two tasks;
specifically, no data or signals will be buffered. This represents the
tightest coupling between tasks because the tasks involved are synchronized
by RTKernel for the exchange.
RTKernel maintains a task state for each task. The fundamental states are:
- The Current task is the task currently running.
Exactly one task is in this state at any time after kernel initialization.
If no application task is ready to run, RTKernel activates its internal
Idle Task.
- All tasks ready to run are in the state Ready. These
tasks always have priorities less than or equal to the current task.
- Suspended tasks cannot run because they have been
stopped explicitly by a kernel call to Suspend. They can be made Ready
again by calling Resume.
- Tasks in the state Blocked cannot run because they
are waiting for an event (e.g., a semaphore signal or a message coming in
at a mailbox). These tasks can only be made Ready by another task or by an
interrupt handler.
- Tasks that have suspended themselves for a specific time interval are
in the state Delaying. They will be made Ready
automatically by the timer interrupt handler of RTKernel after the delay
has elapsed.
- Tasks waiting for the occurrence of an event with a time-out are in
the state Timed. Such a task will become Ready either if
the event occurs or if the time-out expires.
Tasks waiting for an event do not consume CPU time under RTKernel,
because they are not in the state Ready or Current.

Task State Transitions
RTKernel's scheduler is event-driven. It is not merely a time-slicing
system like many others. It was developed specifically for real-time
requirements and adheres to the following rules:
- Of all tasks in the state Ready, the task with the highest priority
- If the kernel has to choose among several Ready tasks having the same
priority, the task that hasn't run for the longest time is activated.
- If several tasks are waiting for an event, they are activated upon the
occurrence of that event in the sequence of their respective
- With the exception of time-slice task switches, a task switch is only
performed if otherwise rule 1 would be violated. Thus, the number of task
switches is minimized.
Since these rules are followed strictly, the behavior of the tasks of a
program can be controlled precisely. Both cooperative or preemptive
scheduling can be used. For programs requiring different scheduling
algorithms, the scheduler can be disabled temporarily. Furthermore, task
switches at fixed time intervals can be forced using optional
Interrupt handlers can suspend or activate tasks. This fact qualifies
RTKernel as "real-time". Interrupt handlers can be programmed
completely in C or Pascal. They can exchange signals or data with tasks
using semaphores or mailboxes. Semaphore or mailbox operations may then
initiate a task switch, if required. Interrupts from any hardware can be
processed; thus, third-party hardware not supported by BIOS or DOS is
supported by RTKernel.
RTKernel comes with full source code for three interrupt handlers (for
the keyboard, the serial ports, and network events).
Since RTKernel is fully integrated into the run-time environments of the
supported compilers, all variants of Turbo Debugger and CodeView can be
used for debugging RTKernel applications without restrictions.

Display of RTKernel Data Structures Using a Debugger
As a further convenience to the programmer, RTKernel is delivered in two
versions. The Standard Version is optimized for minimum size and best
performance, while the Debug Version contains additional code for parameter
and consistency checks at run-time. The Debug Version recognizes usage
errors and produces corresponding error messages. Moreover, the Debug
Version offers numerous debugging aids. For example, the current source
code position can be found, all occupied resources can be displayed, and
the CPU time requirements can be determined for each task. An especially
powerful tool is the Kernel Tracer, which can be used to record kernel and
application events for later analysis.

RTKernel Task List
As an additional aid to debugging, RTKernel (Debug and Standard Version)
offers a number of informational functions. For example, a list of all
tasks currently running can be displayed, or the state of a specific task
can be queried. Furthermore, RTKernel keeps statistics of the stack usage
of all tasks. A complete list of all these functions is included with the
RTKernel Demo.
When RTKernel detects an error, it displays the cause of the error, the
names of tasks, semaphores, and mailboxes involved, as well as the
corresponding source code position.
RTKernel is hardware-independent and only handles task management.
However, real-time applications are typically quite I/O-intensive;
therefore, hardware drivers are very important. Although RTKernel
applications can use DOS's device drivers and the BIOS without
restrictions, hardware drivers optimized specifically for a multitasking
environment will often yield significantly improved performance. RTKernel
comes with the following drivers (always with full source code):
- Module Timer allows measurement of any number of
independent time intervals with a resolution of approximately 0.8
microseconds. A time interval can be up to 3.7 years long. Furthermore,
module Timer can modify the frequency of the timer interrupt, which
usually runs quite slowly at 18.2 Hertz.
- RTKeybrd installs its own keyboard interrupt handler,
so that tasks waiting for keyboard input don't consume CPU time. Using
RTKeybrd, a task can be activated immediately after a key has been
pressed. No CPU time is wasted by keyboard polling.
- A real-time system that can be stopped at any time using the
<PAUSE>-key is not fail-safe. Module KillKey can
inhibit such potentially dangerous keyboard input. Any keypress can be
redefined or simply suppressed. KillKey is normally used to suppress
keyboard input like Pause, Print-Screen, Ctrl-Alt-Del, Ctrl-Break,
- Using module RTTextIO, several screen windows can be
defined for parallel screen output by several tasks.
- The Spooler allows output of files to a parallel
printer in the background.
- Module CPUMoni monitors the CPU load of an
application. This information is especially important in time-critical
applications, since a real-time system should never approach a CPU load of
100 percent.
- Module RTCom implements a complete interface to the
serial ports. Data can be sent and received interrupt-driven or by polling
at ports COM1 to COM4. Baud rates of 50 to 115200 bits/second are
supported. RTCom allocates a receive buffer for each port. The size of
each buffer is individually configurable up to 64 kbytes. If a DigiBoard
or Hostess card is installed, it can also be used. In this case, up to 36
serial ports can be used simultaneously. RTCom automatically recognizes
the 16550-UART chip family and uses its internal FIFO buffers. The
communication protocols XOn/XOff, RTS/CTR, and DSR/DTR are supported in
two variants each.
- Module RTIPX implements a complete, high-level
interface to Novell's IPX protocol. It can be used on any workstations in
the net that have loaded an IPX driver. The data packets for transmission
can be up to 64 kbytes in size. RTIPX never needs to copy data, even if
data must be transmitted in more than one packet. This results in the
highest possible transfer rates. Unlike Novell's IPX protocol, RTIPX
guarantees the receipt of messages. Time-outs and retries after
transmission errors are handled transparently to the application.
- Module IPC (Inter-Process Communication) facilitates
communications between separate DOS programs using DOS's multiplex
interrupt. Commonly, these will be memory-resident programs addressed by
an application running in the foreground.
RTKernel offers remarkable performance and power. It comes with a
benchmark program that can be used to measure its performance on any
computer. The table below gives some results for three typical
33 MHz 80486 |
20 MHz 80386 |
12 Mhz 80286 |
RTKernel Operation |
6 |
27 |
58 |
Round-Robin task switch |
10 |
42 |
89 |
Semaphore task switch |
3 |
13 |
22 |
Semaphore Signal |
2 |
8 |
13 |
Semaphore Wait |
14 |
65 |
115 |
Task activation (Signal, Wait) |
7 |
20 |
35 |
Store data in a mailbox |
7 |
21 |
39 |
Retrieve data from a mailbox |
18 |
63 |
114 |
Task-to-task communication |
24 |
77 |
150 |
Task-to-mailbox-to-task communication |
All times are given in microseconds |
Here are two complete RTKernel programs in C and PASCAL with two tasks
each and a task activation using a semaphore:
#define MainPriority 3
TaskHandle HandleA;
Semaphore S;
void TaskA(void)
void main(void) // Main-Task
S = RTKCreateSemaphore(Counting, 0, "Demo-Sema");
HandleA = RTKCreateTask(TaskA, MainPriority+1, 1024, "Task-A");
HandleA: RTKernel.TaskHandle;
S : RTKernel.Semaphore;
BEGIN { Main-Task }
RTKernel.InitSemaphore(S, Counting, 0, 'Demo-Sema');
RTKernel.CreateTask(TaskA, MainPriority+1, 1024, 'Task-A', HandleA);
System Requirements
Before a program using RTKernel can run, the following requirements must
be satisfied:
- The target computer must have at least 32K RAM available.
- The target computer must have an Intel 8086 compatible processor.
- The target computer must run under MS-DOS, version 3.0 or higher, or
without an operating system. To build an application to run without DOS,
the RTKernel Source Code is required.
RTKernel-C supports:
- Turbo/Borland C/C++ (Version TC++ 1.0 and higher)
- Microsoft C/C++ (Version 6.0 and higher)
- Real Mode, 16-bit Protected Mode, and 32-bit Protected Mode (Protected
Mode is only supported with Borland C/C++, version 4.02 and higher with
the Borland PowerPack, running under DOS)
RTKernel-Pascal supports:
- Turbo/Borland Pascal (Version 5.0 or higher)
- Real Mode and 16-bit Protected Mode
RTKernel Demo
The RTKernel Demo is available for download from the Demo Software download page.
The RTKernel Demo contains the application program interface (API)
of RTKernel and all drivers delivered with RTKernel as C header files and
Pascal unit interfaces.
The Demo also contains four executable RTKernel programs. The complete
source code for these demo programs is also supplied, in both Pascal and C
versions. These programs serve to demonstrate how easy it is to use
- RTDemo is the largest of the demo programs. It
consists of eight tasks and shows how several tasks can run in parallel
within a program without any restrictions. The files RTDEMO.PAS and
RTDEMO.C contain detailed information about the program. RTDemo uses
RTKernel's Debug Version and demonstrates, among other features, the
- Parallel screen access of several tasks
- Parallel DOS calls of several tasks
- Parallel DOS programs (FORMAT.COM, COMMAND.COM, and RTDEMO.EXE) being executed by different tasks
- Printing in the background
- Interrupt-driven keyboard input
- Interrupt-driven reception of data at a serial port
- Measurement and display of CPU load
- Modification of the timer interrupt rate
- Cyclic tasks (tasks running in a fixed time frame)
- Usage of CPU time by other tasks during disk-I/O idle times
- Kernel Tracer
- Program COMDemo demonstrates the processing of
serial port interrupts. It requires two computers connected by a serial
cable (a minimal configuration with leads Receive, Send, and Ground
connected is sufficient). After the program has been started on both
computers, arbitrary lines of text may be entered and then transmitted to
the other computer using the <RETURN>-key. Both computers can
independently and asynchronously transmit data to one another.
- Program IPXDemo demonstrates the transmission of
data using a Novell network. To use it, at least two workstations in a
Novell LAN (e.g., Novell NetWare or Novell NetWare Lite) are required. On
the workstations, only Novell's IPX driver needs to be loaded. Further
information is given by the program when it is executed.
- RTPrimes implements a quite slow and
"memory-hungry" prime number generator. What's interesting
about it is the algorithm used: RTPrimes computes prime numbers by
running many tasks concurrently. The program creates - depending on
available memory - up to approximately 1000 tasks. RTPrimes also shows
how to use reentrant code (nearly all of the program's tasks execute the
same code).