On Time RTOS-32 Documentation
RTPEG-32 Programming Manual
Programming with RTPEG-32
Screen Drivers
Demo Programs
Utility Programs
Window Builder
Project Files
Source Output Files
Screen Layout
Project Window
Configure Menu
Source Page
Images Page
Fonts Page
Target Window
String Table
Source Code Generation
Pointer Name Control
Image Convert
Font Capture
Make String Table
RTPEG-32 Reference Manual
Source Output Files
The goal of Window Builder is to produce C++ source files, ready to compile and run on the target system. These source files may be one of three types: C++ class definitions, image file data structures, or string table data. For most .cpp source files, Window Builder also creates a corresponding header file. These header files contain class prototypes, message definitions, control IDs, string IDs, and other definitions required for the application software to compile and run.
Each top-level module in a Window Builder project will generate one C++ source module and one corresponding header file. These files contain the PegWindow derived classes that constitute the application screens. The source code created by Window Builder contains both the object initialization code required to create the window or dialog under construction, and the message handling functions required to process any signals enabled for individual controls. While it is the programmer's job to insert the actual signal handling code, Window Builder creates a framework with the individual signal case statements.
If you use BMP, GIF, JPG, or PNG images in your project, Window Builder will also produce a single image source file containing all images added to the project.
Window Builder
Project Files
Screen Layout