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Program RTRunOnce the Monitor is installed on the target, programs can be downloaded using program RTRun. RTRun is invoked using the following command line: RTRun [-d-] [-q+] [Application] Parameter Application should have no file name extension. RTRun will look for the file Application.RTB in the default directory and send it to the target. Option -d (detach) controls whether RTRun should wait for any program output sent from the target to the host. The default -d+ causes RTRun to detach immediately and terminate after the program has been downloaded. With -d-, RTRun will wait and any program output from the target is displayed on the host and recorded in file Rttarget.log. In this case, RTRun will terminate either when the target program terminates or the user presses Ctrl-C/Ctrl-Break. Note that the RTTarget-32 run-time system sends program output to the host only if the boot code option VideoRAM None has been specified or RTSetDisplayHandler(RT_DISP_HOST) has been called. Option -q (quiet) can be used to surpress the display of download progress information. Communication parameters to use by the host (e.g., serial I/O port, baud rate) are retrieved from file Rttarget.ini. See Cross Debugging, section File Rttarget.ini for details. RTRun can also be started without any command line parameters. In this case, it will merely wait for and display/log any raw data coming from the target. You can use RTRun in this way to check whether a displayless target is booting properly. For example, if the target has no display or runs in graphics mode and is expected to boot the Debug Monitor, RTRun previously started without command line parameters would display the following output: RTTarget-32 5.0 32-Bit Boot Code (c) 1996,2015 On Time Informatik GmbH RTTarget-32 Debug Monitor 6.xx (c) 1996,2015 On Time Informatik GmbH Monitor Header at: 00046A54, Current CPL: 3 Port: IOBase: 03F8, IRQ: 4, Baudrate: 115200 To terminate RTRun, press Ctrl-C or Ctrl-Break. If RTRun is unable to communicate with the Debug Monitor, you must press Ctrl-C or Ctrl-Break three times to terminate. If the Monitor was booted successfully, a program can then be downloaded using RTRun, RTD32, or Microsoft Visual Studio.