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Function xn_ipcp_want_compress Function xn_ipcp_want_dns_address Function xn_pap_add_user |
Function xn_pap_add_userAdds a user to the local database for accepting logins from a remote host using PAP. int xn_pap_add_user(char * user_name, char * pass_word); Parametersuser_nameUsername. pass_wordPassword. return valueReturns 0 if successful, otherwise SOCKET_ERROR. If an error occurred, call xn_getlasterror and xn_geterror_string to return the error value. Section Error Codes further describes each error. Possible values for this function are:
This function establishes an account for a remote host to log on to the local host using Password Authentication Protocol, PAP, during the authentication phase. The number of accounts supported is 53.