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Function xn_ipcp_want_compress Function xn_ipcp_want_dns_address Function xn_ppp_wait_down |
Function xn_ppp_wait_downWaits for a PPP connection to go down. int xn_ppp_down(int iface_no, int wait_cnt); Parametersiface_noInterface number returned by xn_attach. wait_cntTime to wait in timer ticks for the down event. return valueReturns 0 if successful (PPP connection is down), otherwise -1. If an error occurred, call xn_getlasterror and xn_geterror_string to return the error value. Error Codes further describes each error. Possible values for this function are:
This function waits for a PPP connection to go down (via receipt of a TERMINATE REQUEST from remote host or modem drop. It has no effect on any of the options or values to be negotiated and does not close the interface. Function cb_chap_get_random_value_fnc