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RTTarget-32 Programming Manual Running Win32 Programs without Win32 Running a Program on the Target Running Demos with Command Line Tools Running Demos in Microsoft Visual Studio Running Demos in the Borland Delphi IDE Using a Standard PC as a Target Using a Standard PC as a Target for GUI Demos Using the AMD Élan SC400 Evaluation Board Using the AMD Élan SC520 Evaluation Board Using the RTOS32Win Virtual Target Using the Real-Time Hypervisor Target Program VMemDemo Compiling and Linking with On Time RTOS-32 |
Program VMemDemoVMemDemo demonstrates the use of memory mapped files to implement a heap in virtual memory. The program checks how much memory is installed and will then allocate about four times as much as a temporary memory mapped file. This C++/Object Pascal program uses two classes (class VirtualMemory and its derived class VirtualHeap) to encapsulate the low-level Win32 file mapping API calls. Source file VMem.hpp is extensively commented. This program requires RTFiles-32 to compile and link successfully.