Program TelnetC
The Telnet Client Demo requires the RTIP-32 Telnet Client add-on. It implements a very simple terminal program which polls the keyboard for keystrokes to send to the server and polls the server for data to display. This single threaded design has been chosen because most non-interactive telnet clients in embedded systems will typically not use a keyboard but send static strings to the server. To be more responsive, an interactive Telnet Client would run the keyboard input and the display in two separate threads.
This demo also contains a small interpreter for a subset of the ANSI/VT100 terminal commands, implemented on top of RTKernel-32's supplemental module RTTextIO.
This demo can obtain its IP address from a DHCP server. If you have purchased the DHCP add-on for RTIP-32, you can define preprocessor symbol DHCP in the source code or on the compiler command line and add library Dhcpc.lib to enable this feature.
Demo Programs
Program TFTPDemo
Program TelnetS